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Favorite Magazine Cue Card IELTS Speaking Topics

IELTS Speaking Topics Favorite Magazine Cue Card

Many IELTS candidates use this topic question for practice and it has appeared in various IELTS speaking tests over the years. The question is usually worded like the examples below, or something similar.

Talk about a magazine or a newspaper article that you have really liked.

You should say:
  • What was it about?
  • Why did you like it?
  • How often do you read this magazine / newspaper?

Describe an interesting magazine.

You should say:
  • how you know about this magazine
  • where it can be bought
  • what information it contains
  • who you think reads this magazine
and explain why you think this magazine is interesting.

How describe a magazine you think is interesting

Note that although both questions ask about magazines – the first question is about a magazine article or newspaper article but the second question asks you to describe the magazine (not just one article).

So it is extremely important to pay careful attention to the exact wording of the Part 2 IELTS Topic Question on the Cue Card.

Do not simply assume that if you are given a cue card with the word magazine, you can just talk about your favorite magazine in IELTS speaking.

Make sure you fully understand what the question is asking and remember to include all the key points provided (prompts or bullet points) because if you fail to answer one of the points it can negatively affect your IELTS speaking score.

How To Answer IELTS Cue Card Questions

In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, the examiner will allow you 1 minute to prepare your answer to the question shown on the card.

Do not just start speaking! Use the minute to organize your ideas and plan what you want to say.

You can write some short notes – a simple plan of what you are going to say.

Keep it simple and makes sure you cover all the points asked about in the question.

You can refer to your notes while you are speaking to help you avoid forgetting anything important in your answer.

When talking about a magazine or newspaper article you liked, make sure to include:

  • What the article was about
  • What you liked specifically about it
  • How it made you feel

Other things you can say about a magazine article you liked include:

  • That it was well-written
  • That it was informative
  • That it was thought-provoking

Here are two example introductions that you can expand into complete answers by including more details and examples.

I liked this article I read in National Geographic a few months ago. It was about the life of a pack of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. What I specifically liked about it was how intimate and detailed the account was. It felt like I was there with the pack, experiencing everything they did. The article made me feel very connected to these animals and their way of life.


I enjoyed reading an article in The New York Times recently about how plant life is flourishing in the city. It was fascinating to learn about the different species of plants thriving in concrete jungles and how they are helping to improve air quality and provide other benefits. I also loved the photos accompanying the article, which showed the beautiful greenery thriving in unlikely places. This article made me feel hopeful and inspired by the tenacity of nature.

IELTS Speaking Tips

  • Record yourself talking about and describing in detail your favorite magazine IELTS speaking Part 2 allows you up to 2 minutes to talk about the topic on the cue card.
  • Listen to yourself – can you think of ways to improve your answer? Did you speak for a full 2minutes?
  • Be prepared to talk for 2 minutes about your favorite magazine, or whatever the questions specifically ask about because the more you talk the better opportunity the examiner has to really evaluate your English language speaking skills.

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